Adult Education


sunday morning worship 9:30AM with Livestreaming

Adult Education Classes

Meeting weekly on Sundays @ 11:00am

A Study in I PETER

Peter says in the beginning of his second letter: “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.”

The Adult Sunday School class is beginning a new 12-week series on 1 Peter, called Sojourners and Exiles.  The study includes a 20-minute video by Sinclair Ferguson of Ligonier Ministries with discussions during the class on the topic of the lesson.

Today, we as Christians are feeling more and more like strangers in a hostile culture.  Peter wrote this letter to churches living in a similar situation.  He tells us that the gospel empowers Christians to live faithfully anywhere and at any time.  Dr. Ferguson addresses the question of how to negotiate the life of the Gospel in a world that is opposed to the Gospel.  We see in this letter how Peter looks backwards from the future glory that shines its light on our present situations.

The class meets in Waith Hall after church.  There is usually time to visit a bit over coffee and the class begins at 11am.  Maybe you haven’t been to the Adult class for a while or perhaps you have never been to the Adult class.  We invite you to come and join us.

Adult Sunday School class - Mighty Warriors

Lancaster Presbyterian Church’s adult Sunday School class for differently abled young men:  Mighty Warriors. The class will be taught by Elder, Sharon Miller, who has extensive experience personally and professionally with special needs individuals. 

Meeting during the Adult Education hour at 11:00am in room 114

Sundays: January 12, January 26, February 9, February 23

This year we will be studying the book of Genesis.  Looking forward to studying God's Word together!


 For more information on the Adult Education classes, visit our Events page.